Herb's Coinucopia
I had an older brother, Richard, who got me started in coin collecting in the early '60's. I remember our trips to the bank, and coming home to search through the rolls to see what treasures we 'lucked' into. Back then, Lincoln Memorial cents were the 'new kid on the block', and it wasn't uncommon to find 'Buffalo' nickels and 'Mercury' dimes in the rolls we searched. I even remember asking for - and getting - 'real' silver dollars in exchange for my paper dollars. Ahhhh, the good old days!
Over the years, career and family needs have often taken my time and financial resources, so my numismatic activity hasn't been consistent, but my interest in the hobby has always been there. The purpose of this web page to share my interest and (incomplete) knowledge of this hobby with others. I have a page for each type of regular-issue US circulating coin minted in the 20th century, and continuing into the 21st. Each page provides factual information about the design and minting of the coin (and sometimes some editorial information) as well as obverse and reverse images.
Some shorter coin series also have a chart on their page which shows the quantity minted by year and by mint. (If you prefer an analog speedometer to a digital speedometer, you'll love these charts!) The purpose of the charts is to provide a visual gauge for the 'relative' rarity of a particular year/mint coin. Of course, the charts can't comprehend the great silver melt of the '80's, and they can't predict the current ratio of uncirculated to circulated specimens, but they do provide a quick visual check for which coins were 'rare' right from the start.
Unlike a National Park, exploring here is free!   Have fun!