Sacagawea "Golden" Dollars 2000-2008
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Mint officials (and others) put a lot of work into both the design and appearance of the successor to the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin, and hopes were high that it would be better accepted by the public, but a $1 coin still is not a widely circulated coin.
This coin's obverse (front) portrays an image of a female native american to represent the legendary Sacagawea, who guided Lewis & Clark on their exploration of the Lousiana Purchase territory.  In a departure from numismatic tradition, she is portrayed in three-quarter profile, and looks straight at the holder.  The reverse (from 2000-2008) features a soaring eagle encircled by 17 stars.  The 17 stars represent each state in the Union at the time of the 1804 Lewis and Clark expedition.
Just like the Anthony dollar, the Sacagawea dollar has not been accepted well for circulation.  As a result, releasing coins for circulation only occurred in 200 and 2001.  Starting in 2002, Sacagawea dollars were still minted, but only for coin sets sold by the mint.
The Sacagawea dollar coin is a "clad" coin, with manganese brass outer layers (77% copper, 12% zinc, 7% manganese, and 4% nickel), bonded to an inner core of pure copper.  The "golden" color when new quickly darkens in circulation and soon starts to look like an old large cent from the 1800's.
Specifications: 26.5 mm diameter, 2 mm thick, 8.1 grams in weight.  Unlike previous dollar coins, the Sacagawea dollar has a plain edge, like the nickel and cent coins.  The plain edge gives it a distinctive "feel" so sight impared users can easily distinguish it from the similar-size quarter dollar with a reeded edge.
Designers: (Obverse) Glenna Goodacre -- (Reverse) Thomas D. Rogers, Sr.
Mints: Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco
Mint marks: P, D, or S on obverse.
This is the US Mint website for the Sacagawea Dollar coin series.
Native American $1 Coin Program 2009-ongoing
Beginning in 2009, the United States Mint changed the reverse of the Sacagawea $1 coins to feature designs celebrating the important contributions made by Indian tribes and individual Native Americans to the history and development of the United States.  This program was created by the Native American $1 Coin Act.
This program ran concurrently with the Presidential Dollar coin series from 2007 to 2016, so there was more than one $1 coin issued each year: five total in years 2007-2015, and four total in 2016.

The 2009 reverse depicts a Native American woman sowing seeds of the Three Sisters, symbolizing the Indian tribes' contributions to agriculture.
| 2010

The theme for the 2010 Native American $1 Coin is “Government—The Great Tree of Peace.” The reverse design features an image of the Hiawatha Belt with 5 arrows bound together.
| 2011

The 2011 reverse features hands of the Supreme Sachem Ousamequin Massasoit and Governor John Carver, symbolically offering the ceremonial peace pipe after the initiation of the first formal written peace alliance between the Great Wampanoag Nation and the European Settlers at Plymouth Bay (1621).

The 2012 reverse commemorates the Trade Routes that helped spread the horse in 17th Century, and features a Native American and horse in profile with horses running in the background.
| 2013

The 2013 reverse represents the Treaty With the Delawares, which was the first formal treaty between the new United States and a Native American tribe.  It was signed on September 17, 1778 at Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania.  The design features a turkey, howling wolf, and turtle, which are animal symbols of the clans of the Delaware tribe.  The three animals are surrounded by a semi-circle of thirteen stars, which represent the original 13 Colonies.
| 2014

The 2014 Native American $1 Coin commemorates how Native American hospitality ensured the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The reverse design depicts a Native American man offering a pipe while his wife offers provisions of fish, corn, roots and gourds. In the background is a stylized image of the face of William Clark's compass highlighting "NW," the area in which the expedition occurred.

The 2015 Native American $1 Coin commemorates the contributions of the Kahnawake Mohawk and Mohawk Akwesasne communities to “high iron” construction work and the building of New York City skyscrapers.
| 2016

The 2016 Native American $1 Coin commemorates the contributions of the Native American Code Talkers in World War I and World War II.
| 2017

The 2017 Native American $1 Coin commemorates Sequoyah, inventor of the Cherokee Syllabary.

The 2018 Native American $1 Coin features depicts Jim Thorpe, a Native American who was a milti-gold medal winner in the 1912 Olympics, and went on to play professional football and baseball.
| 2019
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