The following information was transcribed from an article appearing in the Delaware County Daily Times, Chester, Pennsylvania, 11 Jun 1964, Page 19. (The original clipping can be found here.) More awards were given to class members than what is listed here. For those awards, go to the Commencement Program. Media Graduates Receive Awards
MEDIA- Major Scholarships and awards to Media High School graduates were presented at commencement exercises by Schools Supt. Dr. Frederick K. Tanger.
Suzanne Clare received a full scholarship to Smith College, Northampton, Mass., the National Honor Society award for English, the National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution citizenship award, and the Georg Bloom home economics award.
Doris Hillis received a $1,600 scholarship from Lindenwood College, St. Charles, Mo., the Media Rotary Club award for student of the year, and Mr. Saul memorial award for outstanding character.
Patricia Hoberg received a $900 scholarship to Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pa., and the National Honor Society award for social studies.
Margaret Outland received the Samuel Martin Bequest, Media Friends Meeting, for furtherance of education.
Lawrence F. Larson received full scholarship to Arizona State University and the school athletic association award.
Peter J. Gallery received a $1,400 scholarship to Franklin and Marshall College, the school board directors award for scholarship, the Bausch-Lomb award for science, and the National Honor Society award for mathematics.
Larry Conte received a $500 grant from Delaware County Tavern Owners Association for furtherance of education.
Robert Gravell received a Navy Reserve Officers Training Corps scholarship.
Geraldine L. Hoffman received the Media Business and Professional Association award, and Media Education Association award.
Llewellyn Morris Clevenger 4th received the $400 PTA award for furtherance of education.
Jeanne L. Coolbaugh received the Media VFW Post 3460 award of $300 for furtherance of education, and the Soroptimist International of Lower Delaware County award for home economics.
Lorraine R. Amoroso received the Media Women's Club award for personality growth, the Media Optimist Club service award, and the Delaware County National Bank Award for business.
Margaret A. Smedley received the Media Education Association award for highest senior average, and the Class of 1954 award for music.
Other award winners were:
Lorraine J. Bridgeford and William B. Lampert - Media Education Association awards;
Diane L. Fields and David M. Miller - Georg Bloom awards for industrial arts;
Linda J. Zerbe - Opti-Mrs. $100 award, nursing;
Mary E. Durnell - athletic association award.
Hans E. Solum - Student Council award for leadership, and Media Optimist Club for service;
Earl J. Guyer Jr, - Class of 1954, music;
Dorothy A. Green and Herbert R. Shupard Jr. - Class of 1955 award for sportsmanship.
Lois M. McBurney - Media Business and Professional Women's Club, Girl of the Year Award;
Linda J. Davis - National Honor Society award for foreign languages;
Doris F. Pace and Bonnie J. Brown - Savings Bond awards for business by the Delaware County National Bank.