Where Did We Come From?

English teachers everywhere are spinning in their graves over that page title, but I think it sounds more friendly than the more formal, "From Where Did We Come?".

In setting up this website, I became aware again of the differences in Post Office addresses for all of us. I never gave it a thought as a kid (elementary school) - people lived where they lived, and if you were to get together, you just got together. But in High School we came from far and wide, and some of us never really thought of our home differences in terms of actual physical locations.

I put together a map showing the communities (Post Office names) of our home addresses, and the school locations identified with lettered boxes. What I am unable to show are the boundaries between the districts, but -55 years later- it's probably not relevant.

Click on this link to see the map.

Be sure to contact me if you would like to see any changes or improvements.